Birth Trauma Counselling

For those that haven't experienced a positive birth and are left with difficult thoughts and emotions, I provide birth trauma counselling. I have been trained to use the TBR 3 step rewind technique. This can also be used to help those that have experienced a difficult beginning to their parenting journey.

Birth trauma is like having a brain injury. Every time you think about the memory or something associated with it, an alarm sounds in your brain and thoughts or feelings from that memory are relived. It can be be very debilitating, affecting your day to day life and future plans.

Please note, this counselling is not suitable for people with serious mental health problems, such as bi-polar disorder or OCD. A counsellor trained in other techniques would be more suitable to help you.


“Hannah lead me through birth trauma counselling and I can’t believe the difference it has made. The visualisation activity we went through and I have stored on my phone makes me feel the most relaxed I’ve ever felt- kind of like I’m dreaming. Hannah is warm, friendly, understanding and kind- validating my feelings and emotions every step of the way. I have gone from feeling anxious and scared and traumatised from my birth story to being able to think about it positively and without fear. I also didn’t think I’d ever be able to go through that again, whereas now feel that a second pregnancy in the future is a possibility if that’s what we want to plan for. Thank you so much Hannah!” - Jo from Sheffield (testimony from Facebook)

My Birth Trauma Counselling Services

Private in home Sessions


Have your birth trauma counselling sessions in the comfort of your own home.


You will get 3 sessions, the 1st is around 90 minutes, the 2nd 60 minutes and the 3rd around 30 minutes. 

This course covers a 30 mile radius from Sheffield S21.


I am willing to travel further but travel costs will apply.  

Private Sessions at Eckington Friendship Hall


Have your birth trauma counselling sessions in a private, comfortable environment at the Eckington Friendship Hall. 


You will get 3 sessions, the 1st is around 90 minutes, the 2nd 60 minutes and the 3rd around 30 minutes. 

Address for the Eckington Friendship Hall:

Berry Avenue



S21 4AR

Private Online Sessions


Have your birth trauma counselling sessions in the comfort of your own home via Zoom. 


You will get 3 sessions, the 1st is around 90 minutes, the 2nd 60 minutes and the 3rd around 30 minutes. 


You need to ensure there will be no interruptions whilst on the call.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am unsure if I have trauma?

Contact me and we can discuss your symptoms and how I might be able to help you. If I don't think it's helpful for you, I will let you know and where possible, direct you to other resources that may be more suitable for you.

Who is Birth Trauma Counselling suitable for?

Birth trauma counselling is suitable for anyone that feels their birth or postnatal experience is still impacting their daily life. This may be through negative thoughts, feelings or avoiding certain people/ places, among other symptoms. It is also helpful for anyone that has witnessed a traumatic birth, be that birth partner or health care professional. It is common to experience vicarious trauma and this counselling can help in that circumstance too. 

Do you treat health care professionals?

Yes, I can absolutely help health care professionals that are experiencing either their own or vicarious trauma.

Will I receive midwifery advice as part of this treatment?

No, I will not give midwifery advice as part of the counselling. However it can be helpful that I am a midwife as that brings a certain level of understanding of the events you have experienced.

What happens during the counselling sessions?

In the 1st session I will ask you to recall the traumatic memory.  You can tell me what happened if you want to, or you can remember it without telling me about it.  I will then ask you about how you feel about remembering the event & how you feel it is impacting you in your day to day life.  We will then think about how life would feel if positive changes took place.  We will end the session with a guided relaxation, to leave you in a calm place.

In the 2nd session we will repeat the guided meditation & then utilise the rewind technique.  

In the 3rd session we will discuss how you are feeling & the changes you have noticed since the rewind.  We will revisit how the memory makes you feel.  We will then decide together about whether you would benefit from repeating the rewind.

If at any time during a guided meditation you feel uncomfortable, you can either raise your hand or simply open your eyes & we will stop.  You are in control here.

Do you provide additional sessions?

No, the counselling is for 3 sessions. If you feel that you need further support following this, I can help direct you to other services.

If you’re interested in finding out more, fill out the form below